Bill Morgan


Meet Bill

What do you do at Mission?

As an Account Executive, I work with my customers to assist them in the design of their systems using the products of the business partners Mission represents. 

How did you end up in this field?

I started out as an electrical engineer at Intel Corp. and worked my way up to engineering management. I eventually moved into sales and marketing, and I’ve now been a manufacturer’s rep over twenty years.

What do you like to do outside of work?

I like to spend time with my family (wife, son, daughter, two grandkids), play music, participate in outdoor activities (walking/hiking, swimming), and read (adventure/history).

What’s your favorite product you’ve helped bring to life at Mission?

Home comfort/thermostat systems with Honeywell/Resideo.

Bill’s Top 5 Clifton Strengths Themes: Achiever | Relator | Analytical | Belief | Responsibility

What’s the nerdiest thing about you? I use tons of notes on my iPhone as my second brain.

What band would you raise $100K to have play in your living room? Beatles

What is your favorite travel location? Hawaii

What was your childhood dream job? Rock star